Tuesday, March 6, 2007

James Cameron’s Lost Cause

What to say about the much-hyped documentary “The Lost Tomb of Jesus”? It claims that a tomb was found with ossuaries bearing inscriptions like “Jesus, Son of Joseph,” and “Mary.” Why it’s just like the Bible says—Jesus was the son of Joseph and Mary! So it must be the Jesus of the Bible that’s buried there!

But there’s more. Also found in the tomb were a Matthew and a “Judah, son of Jesus.” Yup, just like the Bible...um, doesn’t say. There’s no mention in the gospels of a Matthew who’s related to Jesus, or of Jesus having a son. The film also claims that another Mary buried in the same family tomb was Jesus’ wife, and that she was the Mary Magdalene of the gospels. Again, a clear contradiction of the Bible’s portrayal: no one identified as Jesus’ wife ever shows up in the gospels, not when he was crucified, not after his death, never.

So if the names in the tomb don’t fit with the names of the Bible, why claim that it’s the Jesus of the Bible? Well, you see, the Bible just got some of its facts wrong. The real truth is the story Cameron has made up based on some names in a tomb. Names that were extremely common in Jesus’ day and can be found in many other tombs. Okay, so it’s really just a bunch of bunk, but hey, it got a lot of publicity, and Cameron and the Discovery Channel probably made loads of money off of it. In the process selling their souls by promoting a blasphemous hoax. I think the Bible has something to say about that as well.

Here are some places where I have found interesting further discussion:



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