Monday, April 9, 2007

How You Can Know that the Global Warming Scare is a Hoax

Let’s take a look at the track record for doom-and-gloom prophecies like the current global warming scare. In the 1960’s we had overpopulation, with Paul Ehrlich’s bestselling book The Population Bomb predicting hundreds of millions of people dying from starvation in the next 20 years. Wrong.

In the seventies we had
global cooling. The earth was overdue for another ice age, and measurements showed that it was coming. Wrong.

In the eighties we had nuclear doomsday about to break upon us, with the movie The Day After, and demands for nuclear freeze and unilateral nuclear disarmament. But the apocalypse never happened. Also in the eighties we had talk of global economic collapse because of mounting world debt. Wrong and wrong.

And in the nineties we had predictions of widespread catastrophes because of Y2K. Wrong again.

So the track record for doomsday prophecies is one of constant failure. There’s no reason to assume that the global warming panic is any different. Now that was easy, wasn’t it?