Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Adventure Begins

Welcome to The Recovering Rationalist. "And what is a recovering rationalist?" you might ask. "Well," I might answer, "a recovering rationalist is someone who has discovered that reason is a wonderful, God-given tool, but it's only one tool, and it's limited. A recovering rationalist is someone who has rationally realized that all the common answers given by rationalists--atheism, humanism, evolution, etc.--cannot rationally be justified."

So what do I have to offer instead of rationalism? Well, how about reasonableness? Reasonableness, we might say, is a way of looking at things that uses reason along with intuitions that cannot be logically formulated. It's a more true picture of how we decide things than rationalism, or the use of pure reason.

That's my stab at setting a premise for this blog. I don't have a clear plan for it, other than to post thoughts relating to Christian apologetics versus the humanist, materialist, "rationalist" worldview.

Let the random thoughts begin.

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